Hello ATCMA members,


The latest ICBC newsletter includes great news on increased coverage for acupuncture fees, clarification of the use of ICBC trademarks and endorsements, the next Health Care Provider Portal PIN reset, and much more.


Seminar save the date! On April 24 the ATCMA and ICBC will be offering a joint workshop on treatment plans – why they’re needed, what is required, functional assessment tools and terminology as well as tips and tricks for writing thorough and clear treatment plans. More info and registration links will be released shortly.


Remember, as an ATCMA member we can help you investigate issues you face with treatment plan approvals or other challenges related to your ICBC patients. This member perk is exclusive to the ATCMA, so reach out to us if you need help!


您好 ATCMA 會員們,
最新的 ICBC 新聞通訊包括有關增加針灸費用覆蓋率、澄清 ICBC 商標和代言的使用 及下一次醫療保健提供者門戶 PIN 重置等方面的重大消息。
請您為下次講座預留您的時間! 4 月 24 日,ATCMA 和 ICBC 將舉辦一個關於治療計劃的聯合網絡講座——為什麼需要它們、需要什麼、功能評估工具和術語,以及從頭到尾的編寫和清楚的治療計劃的提示和技巧。更多信息和註冊鏈接將很快發布。
請記住,作為 ATCMA 會員,我們可以幫助您調查您面臨的治療計劃批准問題或與 ICBC 患者相關的其他挑戰。此會員特權是 ATCMA 獨有的,所以如果您需要幫助,請聯繫我們!