【Survey】 Extended Medical Health Insurance Plan; 【民意调查】 延伸医疗保健保险计划

The association is considering to provide an Extended Medical Health Insurance for drug prescriptions, dental and other medical services coverage. If you would like to participate in the insurance plan, please fill out the survey below before December 31st, 2018. The decision will be made once the result has been finalized. We are looking forward to hearing from you!   The survey form: https://goo.gl/forms/UssfXKVjuMx13brT2   P.s. The Extended Medical Health Care Plan is in its primary stage. The survey is for members

Breaking News! ICBC Regulations for Acupuncture Treatments; 重大消息! ICBC針灸治療法案

The Province of BC has released new regulations for therapies covered by ICBC, which will include acupuncture as a preferred modality. The updated regulation will be officially launched on April 1st, 2019, at this point ICBC will start covering fees for acupuncture. The fees paid to Acupuncturists will be as follows, with adjustments made over time: Initial intake and treatment: $105. Follow-up per treatments: $88. ICBC will cover the first 12 treatments (given in no more than 12 weeks), with more treatments being covered

2018 ATCMA Annual General Meeting held on September 23rd ; 2018/9/23 ATCMA 年度會員大會

ATCMA’s annual general meeting of this year was successfully held on 23 September 2018. The meeting underlined the following agenda: President report: President Dr. Fei Che commits to maintaining the relationship with the government, especially with ICBC. After several meetings with them, the ATCMA: ICBC Task Force has reached an agreement with ICBC to cover Acupuncture treatments without requiring a doctor’s note or pre-approval from ICBC. The fees paid to Acupuncturists will be released in the coming months but will like around

2018 ATCMA AGM – Elected board members

Election for the board of 2018: The 26 nominees were (ordered by last name): Pin Chiu (Dr. TCM), Kuo Hsiang Chu (R. Ac.), Li Juan Feng (R. Ac.), Jian Long Guo (R. Ac.), Sarah Jenkins (R. Ac.), Jung Wen Kuo (R. TCM. P.), Bao Di Liu (R. TCM. P.), Jia Xian Kevin Lu (R. TCM. P.), Yan Bin Ma (Dr. TCM), Glenn Morezewich (Dr. TCM), Yan Qu (Dr. TCM), Sarabjit Romana (R. TCM. P.), Shawn Poppi Sabhaney (R. Ac), Kevin Scrimgeour (R.

WFCMS, ATCMA & KPU co-organized International Conference on Chinese Medicine in Respiratory Diseases and ATCMA AGM ; WFCMS, ATCMA & KPU合办中加中医药防治呼吸病国际学术研讨会 暨 ATCMA 年度大会

**Please scroll down for Chinese; 请往下移动观看中文版** Date : September 22-23, 2018 (2 Days) Time : September 22nd: 08:30am to 6:00pm and welcome dinner from 7:00pm to 9:30pm September 23rd: 09:00am to 12:00pm ATCMA AGM (members only) and CEU seminar from 1:30pm to 4:00pm Location : Melville Centre, Kwantlen Polytechnic University, Richmond Campus **Please register in-advance in order for staffs to facilitate seating and catering arrangements. Only registered individuals will be provided with lunch** **Bilingual Translation devices will be available based on first

ATCMA July Newsletter ; ATCMA 7月通讯

Happy Canada Day! Hope you are enjoying your long weekend and the wonderful sunshine! July is the month for some new updates, so ATCMA would like to take the opportunity to share a few updates with you. Please click here to view: Newsletter July 2018   加拿大国庆节快乐! 希望您正在享受着您的长周末和美好的阳光! 7月是更新资讯的月份,所以ATCMA想借此机会与您分享几个新资讯。 请按这里查阅完整的通讯:newsletter July-中文   谢谢!

2018 Annual General Meeting ; 2018年年度会员大会

The annual general meeting will be held on Sunday, September 23rd, 2018 at Kwantlen Polytechnic University (Richmond Campus). Detail information will follow. Continuing Education credits will be given for both days: First Annual China-Canada International Conference on Chinese Medicine in Respiratory Diseases on September 22nd, 2018 and ATCMA AGM on September 23rd, 2018. So mark you calendar and remember to register in-advance when registration starts! 本年度会员大会将于9月23号在昆特兰理工大学 (列治文分校)举行. 有关详情有待公布. 继续教育学分会分为两天颁发: 第一天: 9月22号2018第一届中加中医药和呼吸系统国际会议 第二天: 9月23号2018 卑詩省中医针灸师公会年度会员大会


为了“让中医走进社区、关爱老人,回馈社会”,温哥华华联老人协会本拿比分会举办中医义诊活动,邀请我协会中医师,中药师到场为老人义诊、处方。 时间:四月九日 (周日) 上午9:00-12:00 地址:#200-4980 Kingsway Burnaby。 报名截止时间:4月5日晚前 敬请本拿比和温哥华的热情奉献的中医师、中药师报名. 报名联系方式: ATCMA办公室: 604-428-6226 或 info@atcma.org 曹铁军医生: 778-891-5598 谢谢大家的善心回馈我们社会


2016年11月4日晚,驻温哥华总领事刘菲携总领事馆科技、文化等部门领事及工作人员在总领事馆举办招待会,三十余位卑诗省中医界人士及二位华人西医公会主席代表应邀到场,以座谈会的方式为中医在海外的发展出计献策。 会中,刘菲总领事对中医在海外的发展表达出极度的关注和支持。她认为中医行业为人类健康做出了很大贡献。经过广大中医工作者的努力,中医事业在温哥华得到了很大发展。但目前中医还没有融入到主流医疗体系,其发展还面临着重重困难与障碍。刘总领事愿意与总领事馆负责科技、文化等部门的工作人员一起为促进卑诗省中医事业的发展发挥一定的作用。她也希望中医界的有识之士能够积极提出建设性的想法和建议。无论是在招待会上还是以后,总领事馆将保持和大家的交流,并尽可能支持和配合中医界举办的活动。 中医师卓同年、曹宝奇、石精华、杨光芳及路晓云分别介绍了中医在国内外的现状。在国内,习近平总书记表态要大力推动中医药的振兴发展,并推动中医走出国门,在海外发展。为此,国家提出了“一带一路”的战略方针,为中医在海外的发展建立交流合作平台。在卑诗省,中医的发展处于加拿大的领先地位,在立法、管理、培训等方面初步形成了完善的体系。2016年,昆特兰大学开办卑诗省首家公立传统中医学院。各中医协会也在努力工作,今年多家协会合作,承办了广州中医药大学、上海中医药大学的学术交流访问活动,收到了良好的社会效益。 与会与人热烈发言,一致认为中医界的团结是迎接机遇,克服困难的良方。只有团结起来共同发声,中医行业才能立得住,走得稳。就目前而言,各协会联合起来办大事,各个协会管小事是一条可行之路。中药在加拿大的种植也受到与会者的强烈关注,据介绍,中药材已经被大量引进加拿大种植,但品质如何,是否符合道地药材的标准,还需进一步观察验证。华人西医公会主席代表也积极发言,表达了对中医发展的支持。 招待会在意犹未尽的气氛中结束了。总领事馆科技领事于海英女士留下了她的联系方式 yuhy@most.cn,希望广大会员有想法和建议的,积极与她联系。