Happy New Year!


May the bright and festive glow of New Year candle warm your days all the year through.  We hope you will have a wonderful year that is happy and healthy in every way.



News Updates From ATCMA 


Virtual voting for the 2020/2021 ATCMA Board of Directors is open until the end of this month. If you have not already voted, please vote for the candidates you want representing you this year.

If you haven’t received your online ballot link, please do the following:

1) Whitelist vote@simplyvoting.com and info@atcma.org so that you can receive voting emails and newsletters with voting information.

2) If you do not receive voting reminders after completing step one, send a “Resubscribe request” to  resubscribe@simplyvoting.com.  This will ensure you are subscribed to Simply Voting and will be able to receive voting reminders and links.  You will receive a confirmation email after you send in your resubscribe request.

3) If the two steps above do not work, contact the ATCMA office (info@ATCMA.org or Tel 604-428-6226)    to obtain your voting link.




2020/2021年理事会竞选的网络投票将开放至本月末。 如果您还未进行投票,您可以对您心中可以代表公会的候选者进行投票。如果您还未收到您的选票, 请您按照循序完成以下步骤:

  1. 请您确保您已将 vote@simplyvoting.com 加入到您电邮的白名单里
  2. 请您将重新订阅许可电邮(题目需标明 “resubscribe request “) 发送到  resubscribe@simplyvoting.com 来重新订阅并接受来自vote@simplyvoting.com的电邮
  3. 如果以上两步都没有起效,请您联系办公室(电邮info@ATCMA.org或者是拨打604-428-6226)来获取您的选票。


News Updates from ICBC 

ICBC Enhanced Care

January 2021


Greater Access to Care

Coming May 2021, Enhanced Care coverage will ensure that any British Columbian injured in a crash has access to the care they need for as long as they need it. This is particularly important for those who have complex injuries, and may require prolonged or life long care.


Want to learn more about what Enhanced Care means for your patients?


Click the button below to see an interactive presentation that explores the new Enhanced Care benefits through the perspective of three customers on different journeys following a crash.

As we move into this new way of working together, you will notice that ICBC claim representatives will play a greater role in supporting your patients’ access to the benefits that they require, particularly when injuries are more severe and complex. This means ICBC will proactively engage with your patient and their care team members, to support recovery and introduce new ways to support collaboration between ICBC and health care providers. By collaborating this way, we will learn how your patient’s injuries are impacting their life, establish recovery goals and milestones, and use the most up-to-date evidence to help support the best possible recovery.


Click the “ICBC Jan Newsletter” button below to view the complete newsletter and register for an upcoming ICBC seminar. To explore the Enhanced Care interface and navigation, click on the “ICBC Interactive Presentation” button below.

ICBC 新闻更送



在2021年5月份左右, 加强护理保障将保证每一位在事故中受伤的卑诗省市民能够更好的获得他们需要的护理,只要他们需要。 此保障对于那些受伤较为复杂,可能需要长期或终生护理的人而言尤其重要。





当我们以一种新的方式合作时, 您会发现ICBC理赔代表将更好的支持您的患者获取他们所需的福利,特别是有着更复杂及严重的伤势的患者们。 其代表着ICBC将主动的与您的患者,以及他们的医疗团队从事来更好地支持患者恢复, 及以新的方式来帮助ICBC 与健康行业服务提供者合作。 因此,我们将学会您的患者的伤势将如何影响到他们的日常生活,及建立愈合目标和里程碑,并使用最先进的仪器来帮助并支持更好的恢复。



请您查看完整版的ICBC 新闻更送来更好地了解此保障,并点击里面链接来参加相对讲座

ICBC Interactive presentation;ICBC 互动课件

ICBC Enhanced Care – ICBC January Newsletter; ICBC 加强护理-ICBC 1月新闻