About ATCMA Admin

This author ATCMA Admin has created 112 entries.

ATCMA Updated Administration Response to Members’ Questions; ATCMA 办公室对会员问题的更新回应

Please scroll down for Chinese translation; 请下滑查看中文翻译 Dear Members,   We have heard from several members that they feel our previous message presented information that was biased in favour of the current ATMCA board of directors.  This was not our intention.  Our goal was to answer questions that we have received from members between Dec 5 and 12 and explain what the ATCMA staff is working on in relation to those questions.   There was a concern that our original communication highlighted board accomplishments, including those

ATCMA AGM – Nomination and Announcement ; ATCMA会员大会 - 理事提名表格及通知

ATCMA AGM 2020/21   **Please scroll down for Chinese; 请往下移动观看中文版**   Notice is hereby given that the 2020 Annual General Meeting of the BC Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture Practitioners will be held: February 07, 2021 Time: TBD MEETING WILL BE HELD VIRTUALLY ALL MEMBERS ARE INVITED TO ATTEND, ATTENDANCE IS FREE OF CHARGE BOARD CANDIDATE NOMINATIONS ARE DUE NOVEMBER 30   The COVID-19 pandemic initially caused considerable disruption to the TCM and acupuncture profession in B.C., so the Board of Directors of the ATCMA adjusted its focus from

Updates On MOH Meeting; MOH 会议的更新

Please scroll down for Chinese translation; 请下滑来查看中文翻译   Per Monday’s post, we attended a MOH meeting on modernizing the provincial health profession regulatory framework this morning. The session was somewhat useful, but there are a lot of unanswered  questions.  They basically highlighted key  changes that were made to the Committee proposal from the previous  iteration in Nov 2019 to the final recommendations made on Aug 27. Key takeaways from the session There was no firm answer on our Scope Modernization issue.  This is why we

(UPDATED September 10, 2020) ATCMA-Scope of Practice Petition Letter| ATCMA-执业范围请愿书

Friendly reminder!  Please continue to gather signatures for the ATCMA’s petition calling on the BC government to direct the Ministry of Health to approve our long-overdue scope update.  The first round of almost 1,000 signatures was submitted to the Legislature in August – THANK YOU to everyone who worked hard to gather signatures!  There is still work to be done.  We need our scope updated BEFORE the amalgamation of regulatory colleges takes place, or we run the risk of carrying

ATCMA-List of Practitioners Willing to Treat Healthcare Workers|ATCMA-愿意治疗医护人员执业者的名单

July 31st, 2020 Dear Member, We’d like to drive business your way! Many front line healthcare workers are having difficulty finding Acupuncturists and TCM Practitioners or Doctors who will treat them because they may be working directly with or near COVID patients. It turns out that there is a specific BC Health Care Worker COVID-19 Exposures Risk Assessment Tool that HCW patients can use to self-assess, which helps clarify the conditions under which a HCW is assessed as “no risk” and therefore eligible

ATCMA-Scope of Practice Petition Letter | ATCMA-执业范围请愿书

July 27th, 2020 Dear Member, BC Registered Acupuncturists, TCM practitioners and Doctors have been waiting for 22 years to have our Scope of Practice reviewed and updated to reflect our current clinical practices. The Ministry of Health has continually delayed approval of proposed amendments that would allow the CTCMA to update our Scope of Practice. 24 of the 26 regulated health professions in BC have now had their scope of practice modernised to line up with the Health Professions Act, yet we


尊敬的CTCMA執業者, RE: 卑詩中醫針灸師公會ATCMA對新的“一個醫療職業公會”的回應 卑詩中醫針灸師公會(ATCMA,atcma.org)致力為在卑詩省執業的中醫師和針灸師爭取有利的執業權益、提供繼續教育和價格相宜的保險計劃,自1996年以來,我們一直努力促進中醫業的發展和對社區貢獻。 最近有一些電子郵件流傳,聲稱他們將籌建一個新的“一個公會”、“第20個醫療職業公會”,名為“卑詩省中醫針灸師公會”。這個新“公會”的中文新名稱與ATCMA的中文名稱相同,而英文名稱也非常接近,只做了些單詞的調換。我們為此表示嚴重關注。 ATCMA的法定名稱自2015年以來已在省政府註冊且註冊為非營利協會,是由兩個最大的中醫協會(QATCMA和TCMABC)合併而成。根據卑詩省社團法,擬議的“一個醫療職業公會”的法定英文名稱不能在正式註冊,原因是它與ATCMA已經存在的法定名稱太接近,並且會引起混淆。   ATCMA希望為可能已經收到重複聲稱自己代表新的“一個醫療職業公會” 的電子郵件或信息的中醫澄清:ATCMA既不隸屬於也不認可新的 “一個公會”的提議創建,因為ATCMA自1996年以來就已經在中醫界做了以下成績: 2008: ATCMA(前身為QATCMA)成功遊說省政府,將針灸納入MSP的保障; 2015:ATCMA成功遊說聯邦政府,將針灸納入免收GST的醫療服務。 2016 – 2018: ATCMA成功地遊說了ICBC,包括發生車禍後的十二次預先授權的針灸治療,及與政府談判以提供所有受傷康復醫療服務中最高的報銷率。 目前,ICBC的首次治療費用為107元,後續治療費用為90元 ATCMA的副會長楊光芳博士已成為昆特蘭理工大學中醫專業的重要人物,並目前擔任中醫專業的主席。 ATCMA通過與BFL協商為我們會員降低了責任執業保險費。 2018-2020: ATCMA成功遊說WorkSafeBC,將針灸診療次數從五次增加到八次,並取消了對受傷工人進行初次治療之前獲得許可的要求。對針灸服務費用報銷的增加是ATCMA正在進行的專案。  ATCMA成功遊說Manulife將針灸報銷費從80元提高到90元,並成功遊說Canada Life將針灸報銷費從90元提高到100元。 ATCMA將繼續遊說保險公司以擴大保險範圍並增加報銷費用 ATCMA與Sirius Benefits建立了合作關係,以提供團體延伸健康保障計畫 ATCMA正持續與保險公司就COVID-19疫情期間中出現的問題,包括對遠端醫療,PPE費用及疫情排除條款進行溝通。 ATCMA創建了“ 推薦安全工作準則的中醫文件”,希望對在BC省重啟計畫的第二階段後, 希望重返崗位的執業人員提供指導。這些建議是在與會員諮詢後創建的,並展示於與CTCMA共同主辦的網路研討會中。 在過去兩年來我們還一直努力與中醫界的其他公會進行合作和交流,而每位會員的執業水平和財政上的成功也一直是我們工作的重點,而更重要的是,ATCMA已在主流社會和政界,特別是與政府、衛生廳和其它醫療專業之間建立了良好互信的合作關係,因此我們認為,現在不是成立新公會的時候,尤其是當ATCMA代表中醫專業成功擁護了二十多年的利益和發展,建立了中醫和針灸在卑詩省醫療行業中的重要地位。 如果您還不是ATCMA的會員,我們懇請您加入我們的大家庭,以幫助我們繼續為卑詩省的中醫針灸取得更大的利益。 感謝您的關注 ATCMA理事會 致敬

(English) The ATCMA’s Response to the Continued “One Association Campaign”

  Registrants of the CTCMA   RE: The ATCMA’s Response to the Continued “One Association Campaign”   We, the British Columbia Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture Practitioners (ATCMA, atcma.org) represent Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) doctors, practitioners, herbalists and acupuncturists who practice in British Columbia. We provide our members with access to continuing education and competitive practice insurance. Since 1996, we have guided patients and promoted education about our profession in the communities we serve. There have recently been emails circulating to CTCMA registrants claiming

May Newsletter| Acupuncture and TCM Included in Phase 2 of BC’s Restart Plan ; 五月新闻| 针灸与中医及包含对卑诗省第二阶段的重启计划

Dear members, On May 6, 2020, the B.C. government announced its “Restart Plan”, outlining the next three phases of a four-phase plan for a safe and gradual return to pre-COVID-19 pandemic life. In their briefing, Premier Horgan, Minister Dix, and Dr. Henry indicated that regulated healthcare professions, including TCM and acupuncture, may resume with enhanced protocols in mid-May this year (i.e. after the May long weekend). In anticipation of a province-wide re-opening of acupuncture and TCM services to regular patient care, the