Dear members,
ICBC’s February newsletter includes important information on the upcoming fee coverage increase and clarifying procedures for communication and information sharing.
ATCMA members have direct access to ICBC through our regular meetings with our Relationship Specialist and as part of the Healthcare Advisory Group. If you have any questions about ICBC procedures or need help looking into issues you face when treating patients covered by ICBC, please reach out to us. We can take your questions directly to ICBC for further investigation or action!
ICBC 的 2 月新聞包含有關即將上調的費用覆蓋範圍的重要信息,並闡明了溝通和信息共享的程序。
ATCMA会员可通过我们与关系专家的定期会议以及作为医疗保健咨询小组的一部分,直接接触到ICBC。 如果您對 ICBC 的流程有任何疑問或對您在治療 ICBC 承保的患者時遇到的問題需要解答,請聯繫我們。 我們可以將您的問題直接帶到ICBC進行進一步調查或採取相關行動!