Dear ATCMA members, colleagues and friends,


On December 1, 2023, the Ministry of Health (MOH) advised the regulatory Colleges of the proposed name for the new multi-profession regulatory college that will absorb TCMA, Chiropractors, Massage Therapists and Naturopathic Physicians.The name the Ministry of Health is proposing for the new college is: The College of Complementary Health Professionals of British Columbia. The MOH is seeking feedback from practitioners and the public by January 12, 2024.


Based on feedback from our members, fellow associations, and our colleagues in the three other amalgamating professions, we identified an overwhelming preference for the following name for our new college:


The College of Integrative Health Care Professionals of British Columbia.


The term “Integrative” is a better name for this new College because:

– It more accurately reflects the nature and character of the four amalgamating health care professions, which take a multi-system, whole person approach to diagnosis and treatment.

– It is a more modern term than “Complementary”, which comes with many negative connotations.

– It is a clearer term than “complementary”, which could be misunderstood and  confused for “complimentary”, which means “free”.


To you support the College name that is preferred by the vast majority of TCMA practitioners, Chiropractors, RMTs and Naturopathic Doctors, please sign and email the attached letter to the Professional Regulation branch of the Ministry of Health no later than January 12, 2024. Email it to


Thank you for lending your voice to this important cause!


Click below for the letter template:

  College Name Feedback Letter Template  – 新监管局名称反馈信模板 





2023 年 12 月 1 日,卫生部(MOH)向各监管局通报了新的多行业监管局的拟议名称,该监管局将吸收中医执业者、脊骨神经科执业者、按摩治疗师和自然疗法从业者: 卫生部建议新监管局的名称为:卑诗省辅助医疗监管局(The College of Complementary Health Professionals of British Columbia)。卫生部正在征求从业人员和公众在 2024 年 1 月 12 日之前的反馈意见。







– 它更准确地反映了四个合并的医疗保健专业的性质和特点,即采取多系统、全人的方法进行诊断和治疗。

– 它比 “Complementary”一词更现代,”Complementary”一词有许多负面含义。

– 它比 “Complementary”一词更清晰,因为 “Complementary”可能被误解为 “免费”。








  College Name Feedback Letter Template  –新监管局名称反馈信模板