On May 1, 2021 ICBC implemented the new Enhanced Care coverage program providing
improved benefits and access to care at lower insurance costs for British Columbians.
Health care providers play an integral role in the support and care of British Columbians who require treatment after being injured in a crash. As such, ICBC wants to understand how the changes under Enhanced Care have affected you and your ICBC clients injured after May 1.
Your answers in this survey will help ICBC understand your experience to date and where there may be opportunities to improve the Enhanced Care program. The information you provide will be anonymous and will be used by ICBC’s Research and Claims Injury teams for the purpose of analysis. Results will be reported anonymously, in aggregate to ICBC’s Leadership and Board.
At the end of this survey, you will be asked if you would like to join a research panel composed of health care providers such as yourself, to participate in occasional surveys or discussions on ICBC related topics. If interested, you will be asked to provide contact information, however, this information will be collected and stored separately from your survey responses such that your survey feedback will remain anonymous.

This survey should take between 10-15 minutes to complete, depending on your answers.
As you complete this survey, please reflect on your experiences to date specifically with
your Enhanced Care clients.
Please click here to begin the survey, or copy and paste the following link into a web
browser: https://www.icbcsurveys.com/jfe/form/SV_ezCnDct2F5NBy06 
ICBC conducts surveys with the assistance of external research service providers. Any personal information you provide in a survey is collected under section 26 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (BC) and section 9(2)(a) of the Insurance Corporation Act to conduct research activities for the purpose of planning or evaluating a program or activity of ICBC. If you have any questions about the collection of information, please contact ICBC.
2021 年 5 月 1 日,ICBC 实施了新的增强护理覆盖计划,以较低的保险成本为卑诗省省民改善福利和获得护理的机会。
医疗保健提供者在为在车祸中受伤后需要治疗的卑诗省省民提供支持和护理方面发挥着不可或缺的作用。因此,ICBC 想了解 5 月 1 日之后,Enhanced Care 的变化对您和您受伤的 ICBC 客户有何影响。
您在本次调查中的回答将帮助 ICBC 了解您迄今为止的经历以及在哪些方面可能存在改进增强护理计划的机会。您提供的信息将是匿名的,并将被 ICBC 的研究和索赔伤害团队用于分析目的。结果将以匿名方式向 ICBC 领导层和董事会报告。
在本次调查结束时,系统会询问您是否愿意加入由您等医疗保健提供者组成的研究小组,参与有关 ICBC 相关主题的不定期调查或讨论。如果有兴趣,您将被要求提供联系信息,但是,此信息将与您的调查回复分开收集和存储,以便您的调查反馈将保持匿名。
根据您的回答,该调查应该需要 10-15 分钟才能完成。
ICBC 在外部研究服务提供商的协助下进行调查。您在调查中提供的任何个人信息都是根据《信息自由和隐私保护法》(BC)第 26 条和《保险公司法》第 9(2)(a) 条收集的,以进行研究活动,以计划或评估 ICBC 的项目或活动。如果您对信息收集有任何疑问,请联系ICBC