Dear fellows,

It is our pleasure to invite you to participate in 2017 CTCMA AGM on November 05. As the AGM can help you to understand CTCMA annual work and financial report better, we sincerely look forward to your attendance and suggestions.

AGM is important and we would like to share happiness with everyone. However, we have unwelcome news here. We received another special recall motion this year after five weeks of the EGM on August 29th of 2017. It was the same as the last “Recall Revolution” and its subsequent movements, same group submitted the recall motion, but this time they take aim at member of a council: Weidong Yu. A haze has been brought to the TCM professional community.

As one of the leader of BC traditional Chinese medical profession, Weidong Yu is committed to the unity of the BC traditional Chinese medical profession. He is diligent and public-spirited person who is highly praised by both domestic and overseas TCM profession and patients as he contributed lots for the development of TCM community and industry in BC province.

During 2012 to 2014, as the president of QATCMA, Weidong Yu made efforts to facilitate a merger between QATCMA and TCMABC and contributed for the integration of TCM community. In 2014, he shouldered tremendous pressure and led more than 400 TCM professionals to preserve the right to use Chinese in TCM industry. Because of his effort and contribution, BC province becomes the only province which allows using Chinese for TCM education, certification verification, and medical record in Canada. After being the member of council of CTCMA, Weidong Yu complies with the rule and code of conduct of the council in CTCMA. He dedicates his valuable time to the work of CTCMA and protects public interest.

Also, over the years, Weidong Yu donated a dozen times to association to invite international TCM experts for professional lectures. He volunteered to contribute money and serve for the public. He set a good example and never pursues personal interests and fame.

When he witnessed someone ignored the overall benefit of TCM profession and was impeding the development of Chinese medicine profession in province of British Columbia, he stands out and speaks up to repel the selfish behaviors and bad movement. Obviously, this recall proposal to Weidong Yu is typical distorting the truth and a retaliation action.

ATCMA thinks nobody is perfect but we can keep improving ourselves by kind communication. We are against all evil intentions and proposals. We resolutely resist the irregular conduct of misusing public resource and wasting everyone’s precious time. If you want to avoid your life and career to be messed up by a minority of people who put their individual interest above the interest of TCM community, please attend the AGM and vote for justice. We trust we will conquer the bad action and maintain the healthy development of BC provincial traditional Chinese medical community.  If you are not able to attend this year AGM in person and would like to support AGM and oppose the recall motion, please do the following steps:

1.Make sure to find a TCM practitioner or acupuncturist who you can trust;

2.Fill in the Proxy Form with both of your registered English names, registered numbers, date, and signatures. You can find the Proxy Form under the following link:

3. Mail the Proxy Form to CTCMA office: “1664 West 8th Ave, Vancouver, BC V6J 1V4” by October 29, 2017 to authorize the vote on your behalf.

In addition, we hope CTCMA can consider revising the policy which is ten persons can recall members of council. It is not fair if a member of council who is diligent and dedicated to CTCMA and the interest of public is recalled because he may be against unruly behavior from individual members. So, we hope CTCMA consider our suggestion and avoid the democratic rule to be abused.

Thank you for your time and support!

Kind Regards,

The British Columbia Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture Practitioners (ATCMA)


一年一度的中医管理局年会将于今年十一月五日召开, 我们诚挚的邀请各位同仁积极出席和参加此次年会。通过年会报告,我们将很高兴和大家交流沟通想法和建议, 分享一年中的工作成果, 和汇报今年的财政报告。但我们也十分遺憾地告知大家一则令人不悦的消息。继今年八月二十九日特別大会五周之后,我们又收到了罢免理事的特別动议。和上次罢免运动及其后续运动如出一辙, 这次罢免动议是由同一組人提出,只是这次他们剑指于卫东理事,再次给卑诗省中医界带来了一份阴霾。





我们卑诗省中医师公会认为人无完人,但我们反对一切不良企图和提案,坚决抵制滥用公共资源和浪费大家宝贵时间的不正当行为,希望大家在AGM当天,踊跃参加,投出您心中神圣的一票,击退个别人搞乱管理局的企图,维护BC省中医事业的健康发展。如果您不能出席今年年会, 但愿意投票支持CTCMA和反对罢免提案, 您可以按照以下步骤完成委托投票:

  1. 找一位您可以信任的中医同行,委托他/她代您投票

2.完成有您签名的委托投票表单,须填写您的注册中英文名及注册号和日期, 委托投票表可在以下



1664 West 8th Ave, Vancouver, BC V6J 1V4




