203-Tonifying and reducing techniques in traditional style of needling and the specialty of Zheng’s traditional needling techniques| 传统针刺手法中的补泻及郑氏传统针刺手法的特点


Language: Chinese; 中文

Non-members: $50 (2 hours)


  • True meaning of Tonifying and reducing
  • The importance of recognizing Qi in tonifying and reducing
  • The importance of dual-hand needling and the necessity of using left hand
  • The specialties and clinical applications of Zheng’s needling techniques

Speaker’s Brief Bio:

Yan Qu:

Yan Qu, Registered Doctor of TCM in BC
She is the Master of Traditional Chinese Medicine, with Professor Liu Lihong studying Fuyang School’s needling technique
Since 2009, she followed Professor Fang Xiaoli, who is the heir to Zheng’s acupuncture practice in Gansu and learned traditional acupuncture techniques, and then went under the square door to understand the traditional acupuncture techniques.


演讲者: 瞿雁医师


  • 补泻的真正含义
  • 辩气在补泻中的重要性
  • 双手操作与左手的重要性
  • 郑氏针刺手法的特点及临床应用



她自2009年随甘肃郑氏针刺手法的继承人方晓丽教授学习传统针刺手法, 随后拜入方师门下,对传统的针刺手法稍有体悟。

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