216-Writing Effectively ICBC Treatment Plans | 编写有效的 ICBC 治疗计划


Language: English with Chinese Translation

Speaker:  Teresa Ciolfitto (1.5 Cue/ 1.5 hour )


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Are you confused or stuck on how to write an ICBC Treatment Plan?  Are you finding that claim specialists are contacting you for more information before approving plans, or not approving your plans?   Join ICBC and the ATCMA for this joint webinar on how to write thorough, appropriate and effective ICBC treatment plans.   In this seminar, you will learn:

  • The administrative and logistical aspects of treatment plans including what they are, why they are required, when they should be written/submitted, and the current timeline for review and decisions by ICBC claim specialists
  • Key information that is required in a treatment plan
  • Why ICBC is now focusing on patient function
  • Straightforward quantitative physical assessment tools that will help you track patient function
  • Questions to ask your patients that will help you track their function in a simple and objective way
  • Other key tips for completing treatment plans

Date: April 24, 2022

Time: 10:30 AM – 12:00 PM
ATCMA members: free
Non-ATCMA members: $37.5 (GST not included) 
Language: English with Mandarin Chinese interpretation
Speaker Bios:
Presenter: Teresa Ciolfitto, ICBC Relationship Specialist
Teresa Ciolfitto, Business Process Advisor for Claims Programs
Presenter: Ian Dunsmuir, R.Ac
Ian Dunsmuir began his career with a Bachelor of Science degree in Kinesiology from Simon Fraser University. After working as a kinesiologist and a teaching assistant in the School of Kinesiology at SFU, Ian furthered his education by completing a three-year program in traditional Chinese medicine and went on to become a Registered Acupuncturist. He has been in practice since 1999 and currently works at Advanced Healing Arts in Port Moody.
Ian is Sports Medicine Acupuncture® certified and has been an instructor for the Sports Medicine Acupuncture® Foundational Seminars (Canada) since 2013.
Ian recently completed his eleventh season as an acupuncturist for the 2011 Grey Cup Champion BC Lions of the Canadian Football League.  He has also been an acupuncturist for the Vancouver Whitecaps of the MLS and the Vancouver Stealth of the NLL.
From 2006 – 2010, Ian Dunsmuir served on the Medical Managers Team for VANOC (Vancouver Olympic Organizing Committee) for the 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games.  This was the first time in the history of the Olympic Games that acupuncture was included as a treatment for Olympic athletes. Ian’s duties included manager of all Acupuncture Services for both Athlete’s Village Polyclinics (Whistler and Vancouver) and treatment provider to the athletes.
Ian is a co-chair of the BC Sports Acupuncture Association and has been on the board of ARIABC.  He is currently a vice president of the ATCMA.

Presenter and Mandarin Language Translator: Wu Di, R.TCM.P

President of Fu’s Subcutaneous Needling Association of Canada (FSNAC).
Vice president of FSN Specialty Committee of World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies, member of FSN Academic Committee of WFCMS. 1 Duan level of FSN therapy.
1989-1994 Bachelor degree in TCM at Heilongjiang University of TCM.
1996-1999 Master degree in Acupuncture at Heilongjiang University of TCM.
He started to practice TCM and acupuncture in Vancouver since 2007. Former Vice President of Acupoint and Regeneration Injection Association of BC (ARIABC) (2015-2018)
In 2017, he learned FSN therapy. He is the founder of Fu’s Subcutaneous Needling Association of Canada. He hosts FSN gathering every month with members to share and improve FSN skills and clinical experience. Translator of the English version of the FSN monograph “The Foundation of Fu’s Subcutaneous Needling Medicine “

您是否對如何編寫 ICBC 治療計劃感到困惑或困惑?
您是否發現索賠專員在批准計劃之前與您聯繫來試圖獲取更多信息,或者不批准您的計劃?加入 ICBC 和 ATCMA 的聯合網絡講座,了解如何編寫全面、適當和有效的 ICBC 治療計劃。在本次講座中,您將學習:
  • 治療計劃的行政和後勤方面,包括它們是什麼、為什麼需要它們、何時應該編寫/提交治療計劃,以及 ICBC 索賠專家審查和決定的當前時間表,
  • 治療計劃中所需的關鍵信息
  • 為什麼ICBC現在專注於患者功能
  • 簡單的定量身體評估工具,可幫助您跟踪患者功能
  • 詢問您的患者的問題,這些問題將幫助您以簡單客觀的方式跟踪他們的功能
  • 完成治療計劃的其他關鍵提示
  • 現場與會者還將有機會直接向我們的 ICBC 關係專員 Teresa Ciolfitto 以及我們的演講者 Ian Dunsmuir, R.Ac. 提問。和吴笛,R.TCM.P
日期:2022 年 4 月 24 日
時間:上午 10:30 – 下午 12:00

ATCMA members: free;会员免费

Non-ATCMA members: $30 (GST not included);  非会员 (不含税)
演講者:Teresa Ciolfitto,ICBC 關係專員
Teresa Ciolfitto,索賠項目業務流程顧問
演講者:Ian Dunsmuir,R.Ac
Ian Dunsmuir 的職業生涯始於Simon Fraser大學運動機能學理學學士學位。在 SFU 運動機能學院擔任運動機能學家和助教後,Ian 通過完成為期三年的中醫課程繼續深造,並成為一名註冊針灸師。他自 1999 年以來一直在執業,目前在Port Moody的 Advanced Healing Arts 工作。
Ian 獲得運動醫學針灸® 認證,自 2013 年以來一直擔任運動醫學針灸® 基礎研討會(加拿大)的講師。
Ian 最近完成了他作為針灸師的第十一個賽季,他是加拿大足球聯盟 2011 年格雷杯冠軍 BC 獅子隊的一名針灸師。他還曾是 MLS 的溫哥華白帽隊和 NLL 的溫哥華隱形隊的針灸師。
從 2006 年到 2010 年,Ian Dunsmuir 在 2010 年冬奧會和冬殘奧會的 VANOC(溫哥華奧組委)醫療管理團隊中任職。這是奧運會歷史上首次將針灸納入奧運會運動員的治療項目。伊恩的職責包括運動員村綜合診所(Whistler and Vancouver)的所有針灸服務經理和運動員的治療提供者。
Ian 是 BC 運動針灸協會的聯合主席,並且一直是 ARIABC 的董事會成員。他目前是 ATCMA 的副會長。


吴笛 BC省注册中医师
2007至今在温哥华执业,曾担任Acupoint and Regeneration Injection Association of BC(ARIABC)副会长(2015-2018)