Introducing ATCMA’s Extended Health Benefits Plan || ATCMA 团体医疗保健保险福利介绍

*Please scroll down for Chinese version ; 请往下移动观看中文版* Please  contact representative  from Sirius Benefits at for further inquiry 请联系Sirius Benefits保险公司代表了解更多信息,电邮 – With continuous efforts to provide benefits to our supportive members, ATCMA has partnered with Sirius Benefits to offer a group benefits plan. Percentage of coverage will depend on choice of Bronze, Silver and Gold plan. Coverage includes (Bronze/Silver/Gold); Prescription Drugs (70%/80%/90%) Paramedical Services(70%/80%/90%) Acupuncture, Massage, Chiropractor, etc… Dental(70%/80%/90%) (Basic & Comprehensive) Travel Insurance ($5,000,000 per 180 day trip) Life Insurance ($25,000) Hearing Aids ($500 per 5 years) Eye Exams ($75 per

2018 Annual General Meeting ; 2018年年度会员大会

The annual general meeting will be held on Sunday, September 23rd, 2018 at Kwantlen Polytechnic University (Richmond Campus). Detail information will follow. Continuing Education credits will be given for both days: First Annual China-Canada International Conference on Chinese Medicine in Respiratory Diseases on September 22nd, 2018 and ATCMA AGM on September 23rd, 2018. So mark you calendar and remember to register in-advance when registration starts! 本年度会员大会将于9月23号在昆特兰理工大学 (列治文分校)举行. 有关详情有待公布. 继续教育学分会分为两天颁发: 第一天: 9月22号2018第一届中加中医药和呼吸系统国际会议 第二天: 9月23号2018 卑詩省中医针灸师公会年度会员大会

ATCMA July Newsletter ; ATCMA 7月通讯

Happy Canada Day! Hope you are enjoying your long weekend and the wonderful sunshine! July is the month for some new updates, so ATCMA would like to take the opportunity to share a few updates with you. Please click here to view: Newsletter July 2018   加拿大国庆节快乐! 希望您正在享受着您的长周末和美好的阳光! 7月是更新资讯的月份,所以ATCMA想借此机会与您分享几个新资讯。 请按这里查阅完整的通讯:newsletter July-中文   谢谢!

WFCMS, ATCMA & KPU co-organized International Conference on Chinese Medicine in Respiratory Diseases and ATCMA AGM ; WFCMS, ATCMA & KPU合办中加中医药防治呼吸病国际学术研讨会 暨 ATCMA 年度大会

**Please scroll down for Chinese; 请往下移动观看中文版** Date : September 22-23, 2018 (2 Days) Time : September 22nd: 08:30am to 6:00pm and welcome dinner from 7:00pm to 9:30pm September 23rd: 09:00am to 12:00pm ATCMA AGM (members only) and CEU seminar from 1:30pm to 4:00pm Location : Melville Centre, Kwantlen Polytechnic University, Richmond Campus **Please register in-advance in order for staffs to facilitate seating and catering arrangements. Only registered individuals will be provided with lunch** **Bilingual Translation devices will be available based on first

Breaking News! ICBC Regulations for Acupuncture Treatments; 重大消息! ICBC針灸治療法案

The Province of BC has released new regulations for therapies covered by ICBC, which will include acupuncture as a preferred modality. The updated regulation will be officially launched on April 1st, 2019, at this point ICBC will start covering fees for acupuncture. The fees paid to Acupuncturists will be as follows, with adjustments made over time: Initial intake and treatment: $105. Follow-up per treatments: $88. ICBC will cover the first 12 treatments (given in no more than 12 weeks), with more treatments being covered

【Survey】 Extended Medical Health Insurance Plan; 【民意调查】 延伸医疗保健保险计划

The association is considering to provide an Extended Medical Health Insurance for drug prescriptions, dental and other medical services coverage. If you would like to participate in the insurance plan, please fill out the survey below before December 31st, 2018. The decision will be made once the result has been finalized. We are looking forward to hearing from you!   The survey form:   P.s. The Extended Medical Health Care Plan is in its primary stage. The survey is for members


尊敬的世界针联会员团体: 世界针联第九届会员大会将于2017年12月2日在中国北京举行。本次会议将选举产生世界针联第九届执行委员会。本次大会,我们将回顾世界针联30年发展历史,总结经验,为世界针联未来发展指引方向,并制定发展战略规划。世界针灸乃至传统医学的发展需要全体会员的不懈支持与共同努力。 在此,我们诚挚地邀请您参加此次大会,具体会议通知及参会信息表请查收附件。 世界针灸学会联合会第九届会员大会通知 参会信息表.doc 世界针灸学会联合会 二〇一七年八月二十五日


致:卑诗省中医 针灸师公会全体会员. 全体会员台鉴: 介紹針灸和註冊針灸師的小冊子面世, 這是一個很好的工具放在診所讓公眾更了解卑詩省的註冊針灸師制度和針灸的功效。小冊子的背面, 有一空白位置可以讓会員用印章或貼上自己的診所資料。 每50份是$15.75(包稅), 郵寄費是$12。到辦公室自取免郵費。价格如有更改,恕不另行通知。 耑此。顺颂 安康 ATCMA 辦公室


2015年对于我们中医行业人士来说,最引人关注的事件莫过于美国中医界声势浩大的反干针运动。当我们赞叹欢呼美国的同行通过团结努力获得了反干针运动的初步胜利的时候,却少有人发现我们卑诗省的中医行业同样面临着危机。 目前,卑诗省物理治疗师管理局在未与卑诗省中医针灸管理局进行沟通、协商并得到赞同的情况下,已将针灸及干针纳入其执业范畴,并已在其注册委员会下成立了针灸及干针资格审查特别委员会ADNCS。ADNCS从2011年就已经开始运作,制定修正了卑诗省理疗师进行针灸与干针的管理局执业标准,以及针灸与干针的教育背景资格认证方案。2012年,ADNCS认证通过了4位理疗师进行针灸及干针操作的资格。而ADNCS目前对物理治疗师从事针灸及干针的学习培训要求只有200学时。卑诗省物理治疗师管理局的这种行为,不但侵犯了“只有针灸师和中医师才能从事针灸操作”的法律规定,而且让仅仅接受了很少量培训的非针灸专业人士从事针灸活动,将有可能严重危害公众生命健康安全。 当此危急关头,卑诗省中医公会会长们紧急沟通,并已有多家协会达成了初步一致的决定。2016年2月14及25日,会长车飞(卑诗省中医针灸师公会ATCMA)、石精华(加拿大中医抗肿瘤学会CACRA)、鲁家贤(加拿大执业中医师总会)、蔡理平(广州中医药大学加西校友会)以及路小云(加拿大中医针灸师总会原会长)等负责人通过座谈与电话会议的方式进行磋商,达成以下协议: 1、重新启动卑诗省中医针灸师协会联盟机制。 成立联盟之目的是为了更好地保障公众安全与利益,维持卑诗省中医针灸行业正常运营环境,维护中医针灸师自身合法权益,促进中医针灸朝着正确的方向健康地发展。当此危急之际,重新启动联盟机制,群策群力,是我们努力扭转形式的唯一方法。 2、以ATCMA为代表致函予卑诗省中医针灸管理局,促请管理局严重关切卑诗省物理治疗师管理局将针灸纳入其治疗范围问题,积极正确行使其法律职责,对我省针灸领域面临的严重问题进行专项研究,商定对此,及时应对。同时,向卑诗省卫生厅、多元文化厅等机构阐述我们的意见,争取得到更多方面的认可和支持。 3、及时关注卑诗省中医针灸管理局的应对措施及卑诗省物理治疗师管理局的动态,必要时采取进一步的积极行动。 4、加强联盟内各协会的沟通协调,争取联盟内更多协会的配合协作,以形成更强大有力的声音,来维护我们共同的利益。 维护卑诗省中医针灸事业良性稳定的发展与我们每个执业者息息相关,希望广大会员积极参与其中,在发挥专业技能展示中医疗效的同时,积极配合公会组织的活动,向患者、朋友做好宣传工作,并为公会出谋划策,各尽所能!