Three FREE online seminar videos!!

(Stay tuned for different free seminar videos each month ; 每个月会推出不同免费学术讲座视频, 敬请留意)

1. 84. Clinically differentiates and analyses of “Shao Yang “energy and its thought of Dr. Zhang Chongjing “Shang Han Lun” – Common Cold Febrile Disease ; 臨床區分和分析张仲景的”傷寒論”之感冒溫病 (Chinese / 中文) 
2. 117. How to improve the effectiveness of your treatments of complex injuries using Sport Acupuncture techniques ; 如何利用運動針灸技術 (English / 英文) 
3. 177. Tui Na Technique for Tendonitis and muscular malfunction ; 肌腱炎及相关的疾患推拿治疗 (Chinese and English / 中英文)

Instant savings of $65 for ATCMA members and earn a total of 6.5 credit hours* 以上会员独享价值 $65免费优惠,同时获取6.5个学分*

Not a member? Register now and save $162.50 and earn 6.5 credits!* 非会员? 立刻申请成为会员节省$162.50 和 获取6.5个学分!*

(ATCMA annual dues only $180 ; ATCMA会籍价值$180/年)

*Available only from May 1st to May 31st, 2018 


**To view available videos, users must log-in to ATCMA ;若要观看视频, 用户必须登入网站**

Early renewals and registrations will be eligible for more monthly promotions and offers ; 提早加入或延续会费,您会有资格享受更多会员福利和免费讲座.

You can now easily earn your credit hours whenever and wherever you like! ; 您现在可以自由安排您的时间获得您需要信息和学分!

ATCMA annual dues only $180!! ; ATCMA会籍价值$180/年!!
Renew or Join now by clicking the link below.

Register or Renew/加入或延续会费: