Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) originated in ancient China and has evolved over thousands of years. TCM means the promotion, maintenance and restoration of health and prevention of a disorder, imbalance or disease based on traditional Chinese medicine theory by utilization of the primary therapies.
TCM encompasses many different practices, including: acupuncture, moxibustion (burning an herb above the skin to apply heat to acupuncture points), Chinese herbal medicine, tui na (Chinese manipulative therapy), dietary therapy, and tai chi and qi gong (practices that combine specific movements or postures, coordinated breathing, and mental focus).
Brief History of TCM & Acupuncture Regulation in BC
Both Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and acupuncture are currently regulated under the Health Professions Act (B.C. Reg. 290). In 1996 the Government of British Columbia, Canada established the College of Acupuncturists of British Columbia (CABC). Subsequently, in 1999 CABC was expanded by the Government of British Columbia to amalgamate Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture as a whole in a unified college that then became known as the College of Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists of BC (CTCMA).
Effective April 12, 2003, a valid registration (professional license) issued by the College is required in order to practice TCM and acupuncture in British Columbia.
Educational Requirements to Practice TCM Acupuncture in BC
Under CTCMA Bylaws 48.1; The requirements for full registration are successful completion of not less than two (2) years of liberal arts or sciences study (comprised of at least 60 credits) in an accredited college or chartered/approved university acceptable to the registration committee as well as the completion of a TCM education program that meets the criteria in Schedule E of the CTCMA Bylaws.
Schedule E:
Finally, a practitioner must successfully complete the Pan-Canadian board examinations for each designation level as required by the CTCMA education and examination committee to be considered for full registration.
3 days ago
Exciting News!
We have 30 people already signed up for our seminar with Professor Jishun Jason Hao. Thank you to those who decided to join us! There are still spots available for this exclusive course on advanced scalp acupuncture techniques for treating complex neurological disorders.
About the Instructor:
Professor Jishun Jason Hao is a renowned expert in scalp acupuncture and the founder of the American Neuro Acupuncture Institute. He has led nearly a hundred training sessions globally and has been recognized for his successful treatments of various challenging conditions. Professor Hao is coming to Vancouver to share his expertise.
Course Details:
Date: November 9-10, 2024
Language: English / Chinese
Location: To be determined (Greater Vancouver area)
Tuition: $800; ATCMA members: $750 (Please provide your ATCMA membership number when registering)
Course details: Please check link here to check out:
Registration Information:
Registration Fee: $100 (non-refundable)
Remaining Balance: To be paid via e-transfer (EMT) by October 9, 2024. Payment instructions will be emailed to registered participants.
Payment Method:
Fill out the Google form below to register or you can call our office at 604-428-6226 to register. After submission, we will send you a PayPal invoice for payment. For any questions, call us at 604-428-6226 or email us at
Professor Jishun Jason Hao Workshop Registration:
The class is limited to 60 participants, so register soon!
ATCMA Office Hours: Tuesday to Friday, 4:30 pm to 9:30 pm (excluding holidays).
Don’t miss this chance to advance your skills in scalp acupuncture and learn from a world-renowned expert! ... See MoreSee Less
Secure Your Spot in Prof. Hao’s Scalp Acupuncture Course! | 立即报名郝教授的头针课程,预定属于您的席位!
Date: November 9-10, 2024 Language: English / Chinese Location: To be determined (Greater Vancouver area) Tuition: $800, ATCMA members: $750 (Please provide your ATCMA membership number when registeri...Powered & Designed by AMPLUS