210-Clinical Experience on Wen Bing (Febrile Disease) and More;临床实战录


Language/语言: Mandarin with English Translations/普通话加英文翻译

Speaker/演讲者:Frankson Wang/王凡圣医师



In this seminar Dr. Wang will be sharing his clinical experience in using Chinese herbal medicine (TCM) to treating febrile contagious diseases (such as COVID-19) via tele-medicine, as well as other common diseases such as skin diseases and auto immune disorders.



Speaker’s Bio/演讲者简介:
Frankson Wang, Dr. TCM, was born in medical family in 1955. He studied TCM materia medica and was able to recognize over 200 herbs before going to Guang Zhou University of Traditional Chinese Medicine in 1977. The following 10 years he worked in Provincial Hospital of Guang Dong as a surgeon and served in emergency department. Dr. Wang started his own practise since 1993 in Richmond and focusing on treating miscellaneous complicated diseases using his in-depth knowledge in TCM formulas and herbology that earned his fame in the community for the past 40 years and accumulated hundred of thousands visits count.


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SKU: 210-clinical-experience-on-wen-bing-febrile-disease-and-more;临床实战录 分类: ,


Language/语言: Mandarin with English Translations/普通话加英文翻译

Speaker/演讲者:Frankson Wang/王凡圣医师



In this seminar Dr. Wang will be sharing his clinical experience in using Chinese herbal medicine (TCM) to treating febrile contagious diseases (such as COVID-19) via tele-medicine, as well as other common diseases such as skin diseases and auto immune disorders.



Speaker’s Bio/演讲者简介:
Frankson Wang, Dr. TCM, was born in medical family in 1955. He studied TCM materia medica and was able to recognize over 200 herbs before going to Guang Zhou University of Traditional Chinese Medicine in 1977. The following 10 years he worked in Provincial Hospital of Guang Dong as a surgeon and served in emergency department. Dr. Wang started his own practise since 1993 in Richmond and focusing on treating miscellaneous complicated diseases using his in-depth knowledge in TCM formulas and herbology that earned his fame in the community for the past 40 years and accumulated hundred of thousands visits count.
