218-Anti-Aging and the Jin Gui Yao Lue | 抗衰老与金匮要略


Language: English

Speaker:  Dr Yuk Ming Sung (2 Cue/ 2 hour )


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Speaker Biography


Dr Yuk Ming Sung was born in Hong Kong.  He received his BA (Houston) and PDED (HKU) before he received his Bachelor, Master (Jin Gui Yao Lue), and Doctorate (Acupuncture) in Chinese Medicine (Chengdu, China). He has authored four books, including the Understanding the Jin GuiYao Lue: A Practical Textbook. It was named as a reference text by NCCOAOM (National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine, USA) in 2011.  His text, Reversing Aging with Chinese Medicine was published in 2020.


Topic: Anti-Aging and the Jin Gui Yao Lue


The Five Elements Theory in the Jin Gui Yao Lue reveals something proven at the level of molecular biology today – our five major organs can communicate and influence one another. Our speaker will discuss the application of this theory in rejuvenation. On top of that, the speaker will introduce a few key acupoints, including ST36, to boost metabolic disorder issues, leading to anti-aging.



Dr Yuk Ming Sung 出生于香港。 在获得中医学学士、硕士(金匮要略)和博士学位(针灸)(中国成都)之前,他获得了学士学位(休斯顿)和 PDED(香港大学)。 他着有四本书,包括《金匮要略:实用教科书》。 它于 2011 年被 NCCOAOM(美国针灸和东方医学国家认证委员会)命名为参考文本。他的文本《用中药逆转衰老》于 2020 年出版。




《金匮要略》中的五行理论揭示了当今分子生物学水平上已被证明的东西——我们的五脏六腑可以相互交流和影响。 我们的演讲者将讨论这一理论在复兴中的应用。 此外,讲者会介绍几个关键穴位,包括ST36,以改善代谢紊乱问题,从而达到抗衰老的目的。