ATCMA-Scope of Practice Petition Letter | ATCMA-执业范围请愿书

July 27th, 2020 Dear Member, BC Registered Acupuncturists, TCM practitioners and Doctors have been waiting for 22 years to have our Scope of Practice reviewed and updated to reflect our current clinical practices. The Ministry of Health has continually delayed approval of proposed amendments that would allow the CTCMA to update our Scope of Practice. 24 of the 26 regulated health professions in BC have now had their scope of practice modernised to line up with the Health Professions Act, yet we

Congratulate to our three members was elected to become CTCMA board members | 热烈祝贺我会三名会员全部当选CTCMA理 事

Dear Members, We are warmly congratulate that we have three members was elected from other fourteen candidates, to become CTCMA board members this year. We like to invite you all to celebrate with us. In January to March, we will hold seminars with other associations, also Intention to form a “Federation of Traditional Chinese Medicine.” We will update for more information later. Sincerely, Dr. Che President of ATCMA Attdented: (Names sorted by picture order) John Yang, Jing Hua Shi, Te Cheng Kao, Harvey Yun Hui Hu, Wei