About D Song

This author D Song has created 17 entries.

Member Reinstated

  It is a pleasure to announce that Ms. Duan (Deborah) Hu, who was recently temporarily suspended by CTCMA, our regulatory College, has been fully reinstated. She has apparently met all the six conditions that the CTCMA had imposed on her as a prerequisite for her reinstatement. Because she has met these conditions and has been fully reinstated, we are pleased to welcome her back as a member of ATCMA. We congratulate Ms. Hu for her diligence and commitment in addressing

How much Chinese in Chinese medicine?

How much Chinese in Chinese medicine? Friday, April 4, 2014 | Categories: Documentaries 14 AP Photo/Kin Cheung Listen The young Canadian skier Marie Michelle Gagnon stood poised in the start gate of the Super G in Sochi. Five days earlier, she had dislocated her shoulder. “She’s ready to go,” the commentator told the TV audience. “The physios have had the needles out.” Acupuncture. Chinese medicine. Everyone’s doing it, for everything from bad knees to infertility. There are high-end, low-lit clinics in urban downtowns, stripped-down operations in suburban malls; neighbours

GST/HST – Acupuncture exempted from tax in new Federal Budget

GST/HST – Acupuncture exempted from tax in new Federal Budget Another long and hard fought battle has been won by our profession – Finance Minister Jim Flaherty’s office confirmed the following good news in the Federal budget announcement Tuesday, Feb 11th: GST/ HST -新联邦的税务预算已将针灸的GST免除 经历漫长而艰辛的斗争,中医行业又赢得了一次胜利-2月11日星期二: 财政部长,Jim Flaherty办公室已经证实联邦预算公布的以下消息: Page 197 of the Budget discusses “Health Related Tax Measures”. Minister Flaherty will be exempting acupuncturists’ professional service from the GST/HST. More information on this measure can be found in Annex 2 on page 320. 第197页的财政预算案的讨论“健康相关税收措施”。Flaherty部长将从GST/ HST税收中豁免针灸师的专业服务。在这一措施的更多信息见320页的附件二。 Members please

The Focus Group – CTCMA

The Focus Group – CTCMA Five of our board members (William O. Hardman, Weidong Yu, Edward Liu, John Yang, Daeyou Kim, and Beverly Osachoff) participated in a focus group held by the CTCMA on January 25th, voicing our members’ convictions that they want to enjoy a broad scope of practice in BC and the full toolbox of modern tools that enhance the complex array of what we do in our clinics. ATCMA members Rod LeBlanc and Phillipe Souvestre were unable to

The Premier’s New Year’s Celebration

The Premier’s New Year’s Celebration 新年祝贺 No wonder Chinese New Year is our favourite holiday – who can resist all the excitement? Leaping Lion dancers, clanging cymbals, and a sea of excited guests dressed in red brocade visiting over plates of steaming long noodles and spicy fish morsels. Not your average business meeting perhaps, but our leader and president, Dr. Fei Che, is no ordinary quiet man, either. With his calm smile, he greets everyone like a treasured old friend. 难怪大家最喜欢过春节,谁能抵制住如此喜庆的欢聚呢?锣鼓声声,金狮舞动,盛装出席的贵客,长长久久的长寿面,和年年有余的香辣鱼。这绝不是一场普通的业务聚会。协会会长车飞先生像对待老朋友一样和每一位同仁问候祝福。 The ATCMA is

An Interview for CBC Radio’s Sunday Edition

An Interview for CBC Radio’s Sunday Edition CBC广播电台周日版访谈 How does BC’s perspective on TCM and language(s) compare to the other provinces just coming online with licensing? You’ll want to catch this upcoming CBC Radio documentary for a detailed examination on the matter. We’ll broadcast the time and date as soon as it is available. 与其他刚对中医立法的四个省相比,BC 省对中医及其使用语言的看法。请关注CBC电台对这个问题的记录访谈。播出日期和时间会尽快发布 L to R: Fei Che, Beverly Osachoff, Karin Wells of CBC Radio’s Sunday Edition, John Lee. 从左到右:车飞,Beverly Osachoff, Karin Wells CBC周日节目编辑, 李永洲  

An Interview with The Georgia Straight

An Interview with The Georgia Straight Congratulations to Kwantlen Polytechnic University for BC’s first public TCM programme! A recent article in The Georgia Straight about Kwantlen Polytechnic University’s new TCM programme garnered the following response from ATCMA member, Joe Ranallo.   link: http://www.straight.com/news/593836/doctors-group-often-trashes-traditional-chinese-medicine Here is Joe’s article in its entirety: Note: this article is submitted in response to a recent article by the Georgia Straight. You can find the original article here: http://www.straight.com/life/579891/traditional-chinese-medicine-still-divisive-issue-bc  

East and West are about to Meet – Traditional Chinese Medicine as a BC University Discipline

East and West are about to Meet – Traditional Chinese Medicine as a BC University Discipline   Submitted by Joseph Ranallo, BA (Hon), MA, R. Ac.   It is not surprising that, on the eve of what could be one of the BC Liberal government’s most recent and enlightened health care decision, that the Doctors of BC Association, formally the BC Medical Association, should object to the province’s January 24, 2014, announcement that, as early as 2015, Kwantlen Polytechnic University may host the first

Received an official update on the HST/GST issue

Received an official update on the HST/GST issue 关于HST/GST的最新官方反馈 UPDATE! Just announced in the Federal budget, the GST is being removed from professional acupuncture services, effective Feb 12, 2014. That means our small businesses will no longer have to carry the burden and expense of collecting tax (except, of course, where PST still applies to some products). It is a victory for the coalition of colleges from the five Canadian provinces to license acupuncture who have been working hard on the tax

News from our Neighbours

News from our Neighbours 邻居新闻 Our colleagues in Oregon state have acted on their displeasure over “dry needling” by Chiropractors, launching a successful  legal challenge. The Oregon court of appeals agreed that the use of needles falls beyond the scope of practice established by that state for Chiropractors, and the court finds “dry needling” is essentially an acupuncture technique. 俄勒冈州的中医同仁们对脊椎按摩师可用“干针”一事表示不满,并且在法律上提出有力的质疑。俄勒冈州上诉法院同意针具的使用已经超出了脊椎按摩师的行医范畴,而且所谓的“干针”本质就是针灸针法。 Here is their statement: 以下是他们的陈述: “Petitioners challenge the validity of OAR 811-015-0036, a rule adopted by the State Board of Chiropractic Examiners (the board) that authorizes