CTCMA public education campaign ; 卑詩省中医管理局宣传片段

The videos below are CTCMA’s public education campaign where we find it is important to share with our fellow practitioners and community. The purpose of the campaign is to educate the public on making sure their TCM practitioners and acupuncturists are registered with the College. 以下的视频是卑詩中医管理局的宣传片段, 特此分享给各位中医针灸师和公众。 宣传片的目地是确保公众选择管理局正式注册的中医师和针灸师. Please see below for videos: 请观看以下视频:

Comments Regarding the “Recall Revolution” of Kuo Hsiang Chu Bringing a Crushing Blow to BC Provincial Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture Community

Comments Regarding the “Recall Revolution” of Kuo Hsiang Chu Bringing a Crushing Blow to BC Provincial Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture Community 1. Unbearable Consequence from the “Recall Revolution” of Kuo Hsiang Chu On June 26 of 2017, the statement from the College of Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists of British Columbia Council (hereinafter referred to as the Council) solemnly pointed out Kuo Hsiang Chu, a recently elected board member, and his supporters will pose a threat to the future of the

May Exclusive offers for members ; 五月会员福利

Three FREE online seminar videos!! 三个免费学术讲座视频!! (Stay tuned for different free seminar videos each month ; 每个月会推出不同免费学术讲座视频, 敬请留意) 1. 84. Clinically differentiates and analyses of “Shao Yang “energy and its thought of Dr. Zhang Chongjing “Shang Han Lun” – Common Cold Febrile Disease ; 臨床區分和分析张仲景的”傷寒論”之感冒溫病 (Chinese / 中文) 2. 117. How to improve the effectiveness of your treatments of complex injuries using Sport Acupuncture techniques ; 如何利用運動針灸技術 (English / 英文)  3. 177.

June Exclusive offers for members ; 六月会员福利

Three FREE online seminar videos!! 三个免费学术讲座视频!! (Stay tuned for different free seminar videos each month ; 每个月会推出不同免费学术讲座视频, 敬请留意) 1. 161. Differential Diagnosis and Treatment of Allergy (respiratory system); 过敏性疾病(呼吸系统)辨证论治体会 (Chinese / 中文)  2. 182. Abnormal Uterine Bleeding and Infertility ; 异常子宫出血和不孕 (Chinese and English / 中英文) 3. The application of pulse regulating technique in “ling shu” ; “针灵:灵枢针脉体系理论与实践 (Chinese and English / 中英文) Instant savings of $75 for ATCMA members and earn a total of 7.5