ATCMA members in good standing! The Annual General Meeting for the BC Association of TCM and Acupuncture Practitioners is coming up on NOVEMBER 26, 2023.


We will be back live and in person at Room A122a Langara College! A hybrid option will also be available for those who can’t join us in person.


The agenda is as follows:


Educational seminar
11:00 am -12:30 pm. CEUs will be awarded to those who attend in person or online with their cameras on for the duration of the seminar

Speaker 1:
Dr. Melissa Carr, Dr.TCM, B.Sc. Dr Carr has been practicing TCM since 2001. She taught nutrition at the West Coast College of Massage Therapy and is excited to announce that her book on TCM food cures and modern nutrition has been accepted for publication and is expected to come out in about a year.
Topic: Beyond Avoiding Cold, Damp, Greasy Foods: TCM Food Cures and Nutrition for Our Patients
Nutrition plays a huge role in our patients’ health, and yet we often miss the opportunity to effectively guide our patients about how to make better food choices. One of the greatest strengths of Traditional Chinese Medicine is that it can be personalized for the individual. So, how does simply telling our patients “Avoid eating cold, raw, greasy, sugary, and processed foods, and eat cooked foods” really help address the diverse range of patients and health conditions we see in clinic? Of course, food and nutrition are HUGE topics, so in this lecture, I’ll cover some introductory basics to nutrition, some key things to watch for when consulting with patients, and simple recommendations you can give your patients.

Speaker 2:
Suzanne Williams, R.TCM.P, ATCMA Executive Director
Topic: Update on College Amalgamation and the HPOA
Lunch break
12:30-1:00 pm. A light lunch will be provided for those attending in person.

1:00-2:00 pm

To register, please click below:

In-person Attendance Registration
Online Attendance Registration


卑诗省中医药针灸公会会员: 卑诗省中医针灸师公会年度大会将于2023年11月26日举行。


我们将在教室 A122a Langara College现场直播!对于无法亲临现场的与会者,我们还将提供混合会议方式。




教育研讨会: 上午 11:00 – 下午 12:30。亲自参加或在线参加研讨会并在研讨会期间佩戴相机的人员可获得 CEU 证书
主讲人 1: Melissa Carr 博士,中医博士,理学士 Carr 博士自 2001 年以来一直从事中医工作。她在西海岸按摩治疗学院教授营养学,并兴奋地宣布,她关于中医食疗和现代营养学的著作已被接受出版,预计将于一年左右面世。
主题: 忌食生冷、潮湿、油腻食物: 中医食疗与患者营养
营养在患者的健康中扮演着重要角色,然而我们却常常错失良机,无法有效指导患者如何做出更好的饮食选择。中医最大的优势之一就是可以因人而异。那么,简单地告诉患者 “忌食生冷、油腻、含糖和加工食品,多吃熟食 “如何真正帮助我们解决门诊中的各种患者和健康问题呢?当然,食物和营养是一个巨大的话题,因此在本讲座中,我将介绍营养学的一些入门基础知识、向患者咨询时需要注意的一些关键事项,以及您可以向患者提供的简单建议。

主讲人 2:Suzanne Williams,R.TCM.P,ATCMA 执行总监
主题:学院合并的最新情况 学院合并和HPOA的最新情况
午餐休息时间: 中午 12:30-1:00。将为亲自出席者提供简便午餐。

年度大会 下午 1:00-2:00



In-person Attendance Registration-现场报名

Online Attendance Registration-网上报名