ATCMA Year End Message and Board Members 2023


Happy holidays to those ATCMA members who are gearing up to spend time with family and friends this month!

We had a successful 2023, as presented at the recent AGM held on November 26. We thank those that took time to attend in person at Langara College and tune in live online. Over 150 members joined us, which was a nice compliment to the board members who worked diligently through the year to support our profession. Please join me in thanking our 2022-2023 board for their hard work and dedication to our profession. It always is the hands of the few that do the heavy lifting. Thank you!


Now to introduce our 2023-24 Board Members

Returning board members:

Dr. Chris Vallee, Dr.TCM – Co-President
Di Wu, R.TCM.P – Co-President
Sarah Jenkins, R.TCM.P – Vice President
Sarabjit Romana, R.TCM.P – Finance Committee Chair
Dr. Melissa Carr, Dr.TCM – Marketing and Communications Committee Chair
Clayton Willoughby R.Ac. – Special Projects Committee Chair
New board members:

Charity Chia Wei Cheng, R.TCM.P. – Membership Committee Chair
Virgina Yue Ding, R.Ac. – Education Committee Chair
Neil Bo Xun Dou, R.Ac. – Secretary

Thank you to the 2023-24 board for your commitment to the ATCMA!



We are excited to share that we are in the process of updating our website to include tools that will benefit members and offer more exposure to the public, facilitating potential for you to adding a source of revenue to your busy practice.

To celebrate the ATCMA’s 10 year anniversary, we are planning an evening get together for members that would like to mark this milestone and support the continuation of the ATCMA as the voice of our TCMA profession. Please look for information coming out next month.

As 2023 comes to close I am excited to see what opportunities 2024 will bring to all TCM practitioners in British Columbia. Change can be hard, but change can also be opportunity! On behalf of the entire ATCMA Board of Directors, we wish joy to you and your loved ones through the rest of 2023, and a 2024 filled with health, prosperity and unity.


Dr. Chris Vallee, Dr.TCM and Wu Di, R.TCM.P


ATCMA Co-Presidents

ATCMA 年终致辞和 2023 年理事会成员


祝本月准备与家人和朋友共度佳节的 ATCMA 会员们节日快乐!

在11月26日举行的年度大会上,我们成功地完成了2023年的工作。 我们感谢那些抽出时间亲临Langara College参加会议或在线收听直播的会员。 超过 150 名会员参加了此次会议,这是对理事会成员的褒奖,他们在这一年里辛勤工作,为我们的专业提供支持。请和我一起感谢 2022-2023 年理事会的辛勤工作和对我们行业的奉献。 重任总是掌握在少数人的手中。 谢谢大家!


现在介绍我们的 2023-24 理事会成员


Dr. Chris Vallee, Dr.TCM –联合主席
Di Wu(吴笛), R.TCM.P–联合主席
Sarah Jenkins, R.TCM.P – –副主席
Sarabjit Romana,R.TCM.P–财务委员会主席
Dr. Melissa Carr, Dr.TCM – 营销与传播委员会主席
Clayton Willoughby R.Ac.- 特别项目委员会主席


Charity Chia Wei Cheng, R.TCM.P. – 会员委员会主席
Virgina Yue Ding, R.Ac. – 教育委员会主席
Neil Bo Xun Dou, R.Ac. – 秘书




为庆祝ATCMA成立10周年,我们计划为希望纪念这一里程碑并支持ATCMA继续作为中医药行业代言人的会员举办一次晚会。 请关注下月发布的信息。

2023年即将过去,我很高兴看到2024年将为卑诗省的所有中医从业者带来怎样的机遇。 变化可能是艰难的,但变化也可能是机遇! 我们代表ATCMA理事会全体成员,祝愿您和您的亲人在2023年余下的时间里生活愉快,并祝愿2024年充满健康、繁荣和团结。


Chris Vallee高级中医师和吴笛注册中医师