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Per Monday’s post, we attended a MOH meeting on modernizing the provincial health profession regulatory framework this morning.
The session was somewhat useful, but there are a lot of unanswered  questions.  They basically highlighted key  changes that were made to the Committee proposal from the previous  iteration in Nov 2019 to the final recommendations made on Aug 27.
Key takeaways from the session
  • There was no firm answer on our Scope Modernization issue.  This is why we need everyone to actively collect more signatures for our Scope petition!!!
  • Minister Dix  will present the recommendations to the Cabinet and Legislature in  Spring 2021.  After that legislation and policies need to be written up,  but no timeline was given for that, they only said “not overnight, but  not 10 years”.  Until then, the current regulatory structure will  remain in place.
  • Details on how Board and  practice committees will be appointed are TBD.  No details were given on  the “competency-based” criteria.
  • Boards will not necessarily have a representative from each profession within the Regulatory  College.  Professional practice committees will be appointed by the  Board (who won’t necessarily have professional expertise) and will be  the the basis for individual professional representation within each  College.  The details of practice committee makeup and function are not  yet written. I asked if the practice committees will essentially be the  operations people, and they didn’t have an answer.
  •   The decision to split the original 5th Allied College into two (Allied  and CAM) was based on “feedback from additional sources”.  They did not  say who the sources were and what their feedback was.  If a current  College believes it fits better into a different new grouping, it can  propose this to the MOH – they need all Colleges affected to sign off.
  • There is room to change the “Complementary and Alternative” name.
  • The Oversight Committee will make recommendations on performance  standards, Board appointments and shared standards related to conduct  and ethics.  They will not be able to require Colleges to implement  anything or make changes, BUT they can request the Minister to do so.   The Minister can then require Colleges to make changes.  This is a  concern to us as it politicizes practice standards and other areas  affecting practice.
  • There will be more  separation of entities – Health Professions Review Board will be  separate from Oversight Committee; Complaints and Disciplinary  Committees will be separate.
  • – Initially  funding for the transition will come from the Province, but long term  the Oversight Committee will be funded by registrant fees.  These fees  will be determined by the new Colleges after they’re created.
We submitted additional questions to the meeting hosts  after the meeting, and we’ll let you know what we hear.  It may take some time for them to respond, but we will continue to follow up!
Please see Chinese translation below; 请查看以下中文翻译

周一更新: 我们上午参加了关于省级对卫生专业监管框架现代化的卫生部会议。



  • 现在官方还未对我们现代化执业范围问题给予一个坚定的答案。这就是为什么我们还需每个人积极的使用我们执业范围申请书来收集更多签名的原因!!!
  • Minister Dix 将在2021年春季及内阁和立法机关提出建议。在此之后,将需制定相关法律和政策,但目前官方并未给出相关时间表。 他们目前只是表示 “ 更改不会立马生效,但也不会拖到10年之久”。所以在此之前,当前的监管结构将保持不变。
  • 有关如何任命理事会和执业委员会的详细信息先还在商定中。官方并未给出对“能力为本”标准的详细信息。
  • 在管理局的理事会上并不一定会有代表每个专业的理事。执业实践委员会将由其理事会任命(其候选人不一定具有专业知识),执业实践委员会并将成为每个管理局中代表个人专业的基础。关于执业委员会的组成及职能细节尚未编写。我有提及实践委员会是否在本质上会成为其必要的运营人员,官方并未给予相对答案。
  • 根据“来自其他来源的反馈”,官方将决定最初的第五合并的管理局(Allied  and CAM)一分为二。他们没有说出消息来源是谁,反馈是什么。如果当前的管理局认为其将更适合加入另一个新的组中,其可以向卫生部提出这一建议-但官方必需要所有受影响的监管局来签字反馈。
  • 对更改“互补和替代”的名称还有商定余地。
  • 监察委员会将对实践操作标准,理事会任命与行为和执业道德相关的内容及标准提出建议。他们将无法要求管理局实施任何措施或进行其更改,但他们可以向Minister提出相关要求。Minister然后可以要求管理局做出相应改变。其举使我们感到担忧,因为它可使实践标准和其他影响实践的领域偏向政治化。
  • 未来将有更多的使有权分离-卫生职业审查委员会将与监督委员会分离;投诉和纪律委员会将被分开管理。
  • 最初用于过渡的资金将来自卑诗省,但是从长远来看,监督委员会的资金将由注册费提供。这些费用将由新管理局创建后确定。
